Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter Six:


  1. I love the part "whenever you see significant progress in an organization you know that the leader made courageous decisions". When I listen to Jody and Bev talk about how they started in ministry and not sure where it would lead and their courage and faith to trust the Lord that he had big plans for the women's ministry, and to start to see it come true, is so awesome.
    As a leader we have to also remember, that a lot of the ladies may have fear about attending one of our events, bible studies, and feel that they might not fit in. We have to encourage them to feel a part of this and grow with us. "Courage in the leaders will inspire commitment from followers"
    I am so blessed to be a part of this group and love you all courageous ladies :)

  2. Bev said...

    So many excellent quotes from this Chapter on Courage!!!! I love this one,"Courage is fear that has said its prayers". So true!

    I agree with Lisa, this one spoke so much to me! When John Maxwell wrote," Courage isnt the absence of fear;its doing what you are afraid to do", and when I read Eleanor Roosevelt's, "...You must do the thing you think you cannot do." it so encouraged me to move forward and do the "thing" i think I cannot do this month: confront a friend in love and speak to a crowd of women about LOVE. ugh! Im doing it Lord!!!
    January 14, 2011 6:16 AM

  3. There can be no courage unless you're scared. Fear not!!!!! If God be for us who can be against us. Every decision has a reaction. Holding on to the hand of God and being courageous, while listening to the voice of God and operating in His perfect timing plus, knowing God's Word in order to understand the plan and purpose He has for our lives will allow His perfect will to be unleashed. I'll close with this quote, Courage deals with principle, not perception. If you don't have the ability to see when to stand up and the conviction to do it, you'll never be an effective leader. Your dedication to potential must remain stronger than your desire to appease others.

  4. Love these comments!! Thanks Ladies.


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