Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter Five:


  1. Sooo sorry about this blog issue, guys. Argh.

  2. Can we set up a private Facebook page for us instead of using this blog? I think it will be more user friendly. All in favor, say Aye!

  3. Jody, I tried to set up a page last week, but Facebook kept blocking me for some reason. If you wanna try it, I think that would be more user friendly for everyone. .

  4. I'll give it a shot. thanks Julie :)

  5. I love inspirational testimonies of great people who have walked before us. Benjamin Franklin seamed to be totally focused on not only getting his head in the game, but becoming the game. I was excited to hear Jody refer to Albert Einstein at yesterday's meeting. Wow, talk about pushing through the labels of life. He was labeled with a learning disability at age 5. However, his mother refused to accept this bad report which caused a boy who couldn't solve a math problem to create is own methods of problem solving, becoming one of the greatest scientific minds of this age. And how about the Wright brothers? They were the laughing stock of their hometown in Dayton, Ohio when they started sowing sheets together as they were manifesting a vision that they had to birth aviation causing ordinary people to not only travel across the world at any given time, but also to inspire the unraveling of aeronautics allowing space travel, man on the moon, space station, robot on Mars, satellites, which also allows us to have the unfathomable use of cell phones, television, high speed Internet, and the list goes on. I know that I've run off on a tangent but in my own terms I believe the definition of competence means that.... "We have to think like God thinks".

  6. Bev said...

    As I watched Veggie Tales, The Wizard of HAs" last night I realize I am the scarecrow without a brain, and after reading this chapter, I feel like I am not very competent at all.
    By myself I am sooo incompetent, or at least thats how I feel. But there is one thing I know for certain: My God is El Shaddai the All Sufficient One or All COMPETENT One, and where I am ever-weak He is ever-strong. So if I ever fail at anything I realize I just depended on my own competence, and If I ever succeed at anything, I realize I just depended on God's competence.
    Im sorry, but this chapter left me feeling that there was a lean toward our self "getting the job done". I disagree. If we are to be competent at all, I believe it will be in the vein of, " Do all things unto the Lord and not for men..." but in His Strength, not ours. In His Complete Competence, not ours. Because apart from Him we can do nothing.
    January 7, 2011 1:51 PM

  7. Bev said...

    However, ha-ha, a couple of things I gleaned were: "As leaders we expect people to follow through when we hand them the ball and they expect that and a whole lot more from us as their leaders." I believe this is so true, so lets ask God to help us in our weakness, after all, He is the One who called us to the position, and He is also the One who promised us He was with us and would never leave us ( remember my talk at Christmas about God telling Mary, Moses, Joshua that he would help them and be with them?) So we can do the job with the Lord on our side and we need to because people are depending on us!!!!!

    The Second thing I got out of this was "Find three ways to improve". Good News! We are doing this by 1: Reading this book 2: Praying at our leadership meetings and 3: Making sure we have our quiet time alone with God to hear from Him. Let's see if we can find three more. =]

    Sorry it took me so long to get to January 7, 2011 2:06 PM
    Jody said...
    problems :( I was impressed by Benjamim Franklin as he graded himself daily according to a set of 13 virtues and he continuously sought ways to improve himself and others. If your not continuously growing and learning, what's the point? I know some people like this and their lives appear to be such a waste. Not to mention that they are miserable! "Hide not your talents. They for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade?" Some things to remember:
    1. Come ready to play everyday no matter what.
    2. Keep learning, growing and improving.
    3. Follow through with excellence.
    4. Go the extra mile
    Competent people are those who:
    1. Can see what needs to happen.
    2. Can make it happen
    3. Can make it happen when it really counts.
    When was the last time we gave a task our absolute best even though nobody but us knew about it?
    January 10, 2011 4:46 AM


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