Friday, January 14, 2011

Chapter Seven:


  1. Discernment is something that I love! He gives me discernment when and if I can get quiet with him. I know that this is more about business discernment but I find that this is great for people too! Finding the root of the proble...m is something I look at daily. Why am I feeling this way? What is triggering this feeling? What can I compare this life experience to in my past? These are questions I ask myself in many situations. I think God gave us his spirit and discernment to guide us into looking at our situations and others.... Also so we could connect in a deeper way with ourselves and others. Discernment for me is definitely a learned behavior. I mean I would rather just go with whatever is At the top of my head but I feel discernment takes digging deep and sometimes not comfortable. I love that saying, "God doesn't care about your comfort as much as he does your growth!" I love that! I actually don't like how it feels when I'm going thru it but looking back it is an amazing journey! I love the gift of discernment and all that comes with it!!!

  2. "Smart leaders believe only half of what they hear. Discerning leaders know which half to believe" - John C. Maxwell. Like when our Lord and Savior discerned the will of the Father not bowing to or believing the enemy but seeing the victorious completed work of God.
    I believe the one facet of God's spiritual laws is three fold. Body, mind & spirit - Father, Son & Holy Spirit - Outer Court, Inner Court, Holy of Holies - Crucifixion, Disention, Assent - Death, Burial, Resurrection. Everything comes into fruition (completion or life) on the (term:) Third Day.
    God gives a gift of discernment in order to teach us how to yield to His still small voice. Fleshing It Out - "Discernment can be described as the ability to find the root of the matter, and it relies on intuition as will as rational thought". How we respond initially to a situation is crucial.
    Researcher Henry Mintzberg ....."Discernment enables a leader to see a partial picture, fill in the missing pieces intuitively, and find the real heart of a matter". God will show us how to have grace in a circumstance if we allow Him, however it may not end there. Sometimes things or people may seem ugly if we perceive them that way, but through the Love of God Grace shows up so that deliverance and God's perfect work can be accomplished.
    Lord, help me not to judge or condemn but to discern and have grace in all situations.

  3. This was a cool chapter! Of course I agree with Lisa that Discernment comes from the Holy Spirit, and it is He who gives us that insight on the inside; however, I do like what Maxwell said when he wrote that the closer a leader is to his gifting, the stronger his intuition and ability to see root problems. If you want to tap into your best discernment potential, work in the areas of your strength! This goes back to us saying that we need to hear from God to know where our gifting is, and to be used in it!

    i also like how he said to pick someone with a similar gifting and read their biography. Its like picking someones brain who you dont know but would like to. =]

  4. Sorry I am getting at this so late ladies...I was at a Bowling Birthday party tonight with my son. Whew! Sooo loud in there. I must be getting old. (haha)
    I read this chapter a while ago and just re-skimmed it.
    I loved Madame Curie's quote "Life is not easy for any of us. But what of that? We must have perseverance and above all confidence in ourselves. We must believe that we are gifted for something and that this thing must be attained". LOVE this. So often I let insecurities get the better of me. I, too, liked that it was recommended that we pick someone with a similar gifting and read their biography. It's a cool way of seeing how someone just like you made their ideas go to work. This is not easy for me...I hate reading stuff like that. But I can see the potential benefits.
    I of course agree that discernment is from God. I think we need to pray specifically for it. I highlighted exactly what Bev touched on...working in the areas of our strengths.
    Have a great week y'all! :)

  5. Amen........ This is all great stuff!! Great posts everyone! You all left me speechless 


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