Friday, December 17, 2010

Chapter Three: Commitment

People do not follow uncommitted leaders.  commitment can be displayed in a full range of matters to include the work hours you choose to maintain, how you work to improve your abilities, or what you do for your fellow workers at personal sacrifice.
-Stephen Gregg,
Chairman and CEO of Ethix Corp.

He who has done his best for his own tmie has lived for all times.
-Johann von Schiller, Playwright


  1. Page 18 Fleshing it out.
    Commitment gives us new power. "No matter what comes to us-sickness, poverty, or disaster--we never turn our eye from the goal." I love this quote. You know, there's something about being a woman of your word. I believe that in a spiritual sense it's powerful to keep your word and commitment just like our Father keeps His. Through years of personal experience I also know what it's like to get so overwhelmed and over committed to the point that it feels as if the joy of the Lord just isn't there. I've also learned that it's extremely important that our cause doesn't become bigger than "Our God" and to keep Jesus as Lord of "all". The joy of the Lord is our strength, and the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy our joy, our vision, our purpose, our focus, our time and energy, and most of all God's will for our lives. We need to be aware of the "little foxes", lift our vision higher and Praise Him, Praise Him, Praise Him.

  2. What is consistency other than committment? If we be 100% consistent in all aspects of our lives, than are we not being committed to achieveing our best at that?! And since no one on this earth can be full perfection, than is not giving all of ourselves the closest we can give to the best? Page 15, "giving our best at the moment, is giving the best for all times." God does not EVER ask for perfection, He only ALWAYS asks for our best. If we can consistently give our best, we are then committed to living His example for the entire world to see. When people see consistency in others, they desire to achieve the same. If we be committed to our consistent display of who God REALLY is, and not mearly "Talk the Talk". People will simply deisre to follow. You don't have to call yourself a leader to be one. Its really easy to say "I have the weight of the world on my shoulders". But have you ever tried to do that? As women we think we always have to carry the weight of it all on us, but if we can just committ ourselves to relying on God, than we never even have to try to pick that burden up. Committment can apply to anything, but I think that giving the best we have to God, can allow us to "Weightlessly" shine like the Jewls God created us to be. My prayer is that I can show Gods love the way he has asked of me. Let me place my full "Commitnet" in Shining like a sapphire in the world for God. Showing His light and his love for all!

  3. Good Morning Ladies! Im sitting here amused because it is 3:30 am and I feel like I could say , "Wow, I am really committed and dedicated to be doing this in the middle of the night" except that its the day AFTER I committed to comment on our blog ha ha!!

    I think we may have to have to have more freedom to comment as we read through the week; meaning after you read, comment away no matter what the day as long as its in that week. What do you think?

    What seriously spoke to my heart was Michelangelo's response to why he would paint such detail in a dark corner of the ceiling where no one would see; his answer was, "God will see".

    We are to do things unto the Lord, not unto men, knowing that God sees us and will reward us for the things done in secret. When we do things out of commitment unto the Lord we may never get any recognition or accolades from others, but I do believe others will see our commitment and will want to follow us as leaders.

    Keeping our word is hard; just as Kathleen stated, we want so much to do it all, but like Mary, who sat at Jesus' feet, we need to do what is best; then it wont be taken away from us.

    When Jody and I spoke to you women about praying about becoming part of this team, we REALLY meant it. Its very important that we are doing God's will not just doing ANOTHER good thing. That does not bring God honor and glory, nor does it help the team, and it will speak volumes about your commitment.

    I am very excited and encouraged to see your enthusiasm about this venture; I will be praying this month about our commitment;please be praying this month too. i know its so busy being Christmastime, but let's consider the Father's COMMITMENT to us by sending His Son, and Jesus' COMMITMENT to us to walk this earth as a man and die for us, and The Holy Spirit's COMMITMENT to us to see us through this life and never to leave us. <3

  4. .....oh and it was Vickie who commented about us trying to do it all or carry so much, sorry.

  5. One More thing on COMMITMENT: When he spoke about the 4 types of people: The Cop-outs, the Hold-Outs, the Drop-Outs, and the All-outs, I rather think of the "Cop-Outs" as ones who make excuses why they couldnt follow through with their commitments!!!! Then I added my own: The "Sell-outs" Those who drop their commitments when something better comes along. Which I have been guilty of both at times. Let's not be any of these which we cannot do without the Holy Spirit's divine help!! ugh!!!

  6. As a leader we have to show our commitment if we expect ladies to follow. I believe all our hearts should be to reach the common goal of expanding the women's ministry, but for the right reason, God's glory. We can't take this responsibility lightly. I agree that we need to make our plans public, it will make us accountable to each other, the church and most importantly God.
    I know ladies are typically juggling so many things in their lives, that you can feel discouraged because you have some goals but because of the distractions of day to day life, we don't always reach our goal. We need to encourage people to pick one thing that they feel is really importatnt to them, and work towards reaching that one goal.

  7. I love it.... commitment. I'm realizing that I was getting a little doubtful of myself & wondered if I would be able to commit or do what is being expected of me. Like Michelangelo & Bev :) mentioned all that matters is "God will see" If I stop trying to take control & let God lead the way then I won't doubt myself & I will stay commited. I know it will be a challenge but that is what I want & need to get to know God better & be closer to Him. I don't want to be a "drop out". It's 2011 & this is going to be a great year for the women of the Journey church.

  8. Kathleen: "The cause can't become bigger than our God." Awesome.
    Vickie: "be committed to our consistent display of who God REALLY is" When God gets the glory, the pressure is off, isn't it?
    Bev:"We are to do things unto the Lord, not unto men, knowing that God sees us and will reward us for the things done in secret." Yup. I live for man's approval, but when I feel God pat me on the back, I feel like I could run a marathon completely naked.
    Donna: "We need to encourage people to pick one thing that they feel is really importatnt to them, and work towards reaching that one goal." Can you help me with this, Donna? ;)
    Kelly: "I was getting a little doubtful of myself & wondered if I would be able to commit or do what is being expected of me." You're not alone, Kelly.

    Argh. This chapter gives me the willies. I think it's because I have a hard time with commitment all together. I'm a really strong starter, but I fizzle out. And honestly, I think it might be a generational thing. Nuff said? I admit that I am a hold-out, but I really regret that I am a drop-out most of the time. And yes, Bev...a sell-out too. I hate that about myself and I know that I have to confess it and ask God to heal and correct me.


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