Friday, December 3, 2010

Chapter One: Character

Leadership is the capacity and will to rally men and women to a common purpose and the character which inspires confidence.
-Bernard Montgomery, British Field Marshal
Never "for the sake of peace and quiet" deny your own experience or convictions.
-Dag Hammarskjold, Statesman and Nobel Peace Prize Winner


  1. As a leader we must walk the walk, not just talk the talk. We need to inspire confidence and be convicted in what we believe in. Our integrity is the most important quality, we should never compromise. I have always promoted integrity to all the people I have worked with, and my children. As a leader of the women's ministry, mother, wife, friend, we all need to ALWAYS do the right thing, make the right choice.
    I feel this is an important aspect of us growing the women's ministry, the ladies need to see their leaders have character and they can trust them.

  2. Pg. 4 paragraph 1: "character or compromise. Every time he chooses character, he becomes stonger, even if that choice brings negative consequences.
    What comes to mind is Micah 6:8 He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God.
    I have experience negative consequences in my own life and what I have learned is that the way we respond or react is crucial to God's plan and purpose. A negative consequence doesn't necessarily mean the trial is over.
    The battle is Gods and He allows these circumstances in our life and if we choose to walk according to His will and keep our hearts beating with His, no matter how things appear in the natural the victory is ours and the glory and honor is the Lords.

  3. "Talent is a gift, but character is a choice". We don't get to choose our parents, our upbringing, our talents, or our IQ. But we do choose our character. We create it every time we make choices. As we live our lives and make choices, we are creating our character.
    This spoke to me. We all often like to highlight what we aren't... outgoing, good at public speaking, talented in one way or another...etc. But what we all have a fair shot at is good character. And we are developing that every day with every choice we make. And as leaders, people are watching. If our character determines who we are, then we need to always be aware of our choices.
    I liked the leadership proverb, "if you think you're leading and no one is following you, then you're only taking a walk".

  4. Wow, What an amazing book. On page six it asks "when you say you will finish an assignment, do you always follow through"..... I almost messed this one up!!! :)
    Anyway's, I love where it say's "putting it all on the line". I really like this because as a leader we are putting our lives out there to help other women. I want to be like an open book and share my experience, strength & hope. With that being said I have to make sure my words and actions match. It is an everyday struggle for me to ignore the temptations that satan throws at me. Satan makes his idea's seem like so much fun but really he is just trying to break down my "character". As long as we stay grounded & keep "bringing it home" we will continue to build our character & be the leader God wants us to be.

  5. Wow...the person that MADE the blog hasn't responded yet. Woops. Anyway, what an amazing group of ladies I'm in this with. So thankful for your insights, experience and partnership in this 'journey'. I highlighted almost the entire chapter, but the one thing that REALLY stuck with me was "Do your words and actions match?" And then of course they use the example of following through with promises made to your children. Crap. That's hitting below the belt. Even an unintentional lie to my kids is still a lie. If I tell my kids that I'm gonna take them to the park and I don''s a lie. If I don't have the character that I'm trying to instill in my kids, how can I expect them to acquire it? Same with our ladies....if I'm making a poor choice in my personal life and my words and actions don't match, I'm lying to them and my God. And *nobody* likes a phony.


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